MonteRey Master Owners Association
of Dade County, Inc.
1900 N. University Drive, Suite 102
Pembroke Pines, FL 33024
954-450-5410 Fax 954-450-5466

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2016 Projects Completed

The lake has been stocked with over 4,000 fish. We have begun to create an eco system to sustain the lake for many years. We have introduced Gambusia which eats mosquito larvae, Channel Catfish to help clean the lake, Blue Gills which are needed to feed the the other fish, Large Mouth Bass to keep the fish population in control and Grass Carp to keep the grass under control.
We have installed a fountain in the lake. It runs 24 hours a day and lights up at night.

We have added pool furniture and umbrellas at the pool.
We have replaced all the cameras on the property. We have added cameras at the back gate, the front gate and the pool area. We will be installing more in remote areas as needed.
We have replaced the security company with Elite Guard.

We have remodeled the guardhouse inside. We have changed both doors for more visibility.

The gate system has been completely updated. Both swinging gates and the pedestrian gate have been replaced.

There are now two access devices. You can purchase the same decal for $8.00 or a keychain transmitter for $30.00.

The decal works best when affixed to your vehicle. The keychain transmitter needs to be accessible and you need to push the button to open the gates. The rfid transponder works on radio signal and will automatically open the gate when approaching. This device comes with a hook to hang from your mirror or you can affix it to your windshield. Both of the devices can be used when you are in different vehicles.

We have sustained damage to the gates on a weekly basis since installing the new gate system. We have cameras at both entrances. If you cause any damage to the gates you will be identified and charged for the damage. If you do damage the gate report it immediately to security at 305-628-2731. An incident report will be made. If you damage any part of the gate and leave the scene you will be charged and receive a citation for hit and run. You will also be charged for the damage to the gate. If you damage the LED bar the minimum charge is $500.00. If you refuse to pay for the damage we will file a claim with your auto insurance.

The back gate is for residents only.

The pool hours are 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. The pool is closed on Mondays for servicing.

The resident walk through gate at the back gate now has a card reader. Gate cards are available for $5.00 each. You can get the order form from the guardhouse. The gate is open from 5:30 a.m. through 7 p.m.

The back entrance and exit gate is now open 7 days a week. They lock from 10 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. daily. You must have an access device to enter the property. You do not need any device to exit.

Homeowners will be getting letters for violations to the by-laws. Things the property manager will be looking for are:

Homes that need to be painted.
Homes that are painted the wrong color.
Roofs that need to be cleaned or repaired.
Undriveable vehicles on your property.
Boats or campers on your property.
Fences in need of repair or replacement.
Garbage cans that are stored in front of your home.
Yards that are not maintained.
Basketball goals stored in front of your home.
Christmas lights still up.
Vehicles parked on your lawn.
Commercial vehicles parked in the community.
Front lampposts that are missing fixtures or are not lit at night.

Bulk Trash

A code enforcement officer comes through the property every Wednesday now. She is looking for illegal dumping. If you place trash outside your unit you must call 311 to schedule a pickup. Every homeowner has two free pickups a year. If you are found to have a pile near your home and have not called for a pickup the officer will give you a citation. It is very easy, just call 311.

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